Center all set for their two-day trial run of COVID Vaccine

Center all set for their two-day trial run of COVID Vaccine


our states Punjab, Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat and their specific eight districts have been selected by the Centre to evaluate the suitability of the vaccine developed for (Covid-19). The two-day dry campaign will take place on December 28 and 29, as per the reports.

“Dry work is being done to integrate all the elements involved in the Covid-19 vaccine campaign planned for next year to test the vaccine’s delivery machinery. All the elements except for the vaccine will be mobilized, “ informed a senior official in the Health ministry.

According to officials, five areas in each of the two districts in the province are likely to be established for the purpose of vaccinating beneficiaries. "Each of the two districts from these states has been identified as for the two-day drive," said another health official.

The Department of Health has prepared a detailed checklist and shared it with the four provinces to guide them to the dry state. “The federal government is preparing for the launch of the Covid-19 vaccine nationwide. As vaccine managers will play a key role in the immunization program, the training of trainers and providers will be taken up in different districts, ”said the department.

Exercises will include the required data entry in Co-WIN, an online platform to monitor vaccine delivery, receipt and distribution, team members' referrals, humorous ballot sessions and test beneficiaries, and a reporting and evening meeting, according to the Union health department. The Department of Health has said it will also include cold storage tests and transportation arrangements for the Covid-19 vaccine, crowd management at convention sites with appropriate physical distension. Each state will organize it into two districts and possibly five different sessions - a district hospital, a community health center (CHC) or a primary health care center (PHC), an urban area, a private health center and outreach.